Account Aggregators (AA) Account Online Ecosystem: What is it and How it Works?

Account aggregation, commonly referred to as financial data aggregation, is the process of gathering information from a variety of sources and compiling it into one central location. This goes beyond traditional credit ratings agencies' assets, such as loans and credit cards, by also taking into account data from sources like investments, income, expenses, invoices, receipts, deposits, equity investments, tax returns, and more.  

The Reserve Bank of India launched the aa account online Framework in September 2021. The Account Aggregator framework is a system that allows customers to see all of their financial information in one place. It also makes it easier for Banks and NBFCs to share data. This will help customers when they are looking for financial products and services. Let's take a deeper look at their ecosystem and discuss its work in this article.  


How does it Work?  

An AA account online framework comprises an Account aggregator, a Financial Information Provider (FIP), and a Financial Information User (FIU).  

FIP is a databank that holds financial information about a customer. It could include banks, NBFCs, Government organizations, or insurance repositories. FIU is a lending institution that uses data from a FIP to provide services to customers. For example, when sanctioning a loan, a Bank (FIU) will access the borrower’s financial information from a FIP to judge the client’s creditworthiness. The account aggregator's role is to facilitate consent-backed data exchange between the FIP and FIU.  

The account aggregation process is simple.   

  1. Open an account with your preferred account aggregator.  
  2. Give the lending institution (FIU) permission to access your data.   
  3. The account aggregator will seek the necessary financial information from financial institutions (FIPs), and the encrypted data will be securely transmitted to the FIU for their review.  

Account aggregators have to transmit customer financial information in an encrypted format to keep it confidential. AAs aren't allowed to see or store the data themselves. And account aggregators can't use third-party services to do their job.  

Summing Up!  

Want to get your personalized account aggregator (AA) account online? Get in touch with Anumati. We are in charge of your data when you work with us. You get to say who you want to share your information with, and we'll help make sure that it stays safe. You should only have to share your financial information with the people who you want to do business with. 



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